Våra duktiga Office 365-konsulter hjälper dig med hela kedjan från att analysera verksamhetsbehov till att implementera lösningar byggda på 100% out of the box SharePoint och Microsoft Teams.
Exempel på områden vi är duktiga på:
Genom att fokusera på ert bolags information och processer kan vi leverera förändrade arbetssätt som skapar värde på riktigt där digitala verktyg ofta är en central komponent.
Patrik has a keen analytical mind and an aptitude for breaking down complex problems into components. He seems to be allergic to loosely defined requirements, broad, sweeping statements, and unfounded assumptions in general. Other than being able to go from abstract to concrete at record speeds, he is as humorous as he is knowledgeable and professional. Hence, working with him is fun as well as productive!
Henrik is a great SharePoint developer with lots of good qualities. He always strives to find good solutions. His passion for developing great software applications makes him deliver high quality products on time. He is excellent in several areas: SharePoint, team-work, agile software development, estimates, TFS and many more.Henrik is a positive person who's consistant good mood is infectious to all those around him.