We have great consultants

Experts in SharePoint, Office 365 and Microsoft Teams - without programming.

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Experts to help you succeed

Our talented Office 365 and management consultants help you throughout the chain from analyzing business needs to implementing solutions built on 100% out of the box SharePoint and Microsoft Teams.

Examples of areas we are good at:

  • Packaged Intranets with fixed delivery time and cost
  • Document and Project Management/Governance
  • User trainings
  • Editorial trainings
  • Build different types of simple registers and solutions with SharePoint

By focusing on your company's information and processes, we can deliver Changing ways of working that create real value where digital tools are often a central component.

Two random recommendations of our consultants

It was a joy working together with Henrik. Both his technical expertise and his persona make him someone I can highly recommend. I sincerely hope that Henrik and I get to work together again in the future.
Markus Eriksson
Senior SharePoint Consultant and CEO at MEEQIT AB
Henrik Gustafsson
Jag har anlitat Patrik Björklund som konsult för att formulera kravspecifikation för upphandling av webbleverantör till SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. Patrik visade sig (än en gång ;) vara en partner att lita på fullständigt. Uppdrag utförs enligt plan utan fördröjning. Patrik benar också noga ut detaljfrågor och lämnar helst inget åt slumpen - vilket ställer krav på beställaren men i slutändan ger ett gott och tillförlitligt resultat. Jag kan varmt rekommendera Patrik - han går in för sina uppdrag med stor seriositet och starkt engagemang. Dessutom är han en trevlig person att ha att göra med som fungerar väl med de olika personer/kompetenser som man som konsult samarbetar med i en stor organisation. Jag ger Patrik mina varmaste rekommendationer och hoppas att vi får chans att samarbeta ytterligare.
Vendela Röhlander
SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut
Patrik Björklund
Read more recommendations

Areas we work with


Information architecture

In order to deliver intranet solutions that add business benefits, it is important to analyze what information the system will handle.

We have seen several times that even a small company with 30 employees can handle hundreds of different types of information. These can be anything from quotes, CVs, accounting documents and policies to meeting notes.

Our methodology for finding these types of information is through workshops and exploratory work in existing systems. It allows us to start a project with the right scope and purpose.

SharePoint/Office 365

SharePoint/Office 365

SharePoint and Office 365 are systems built for users. They are also systems that have been further developed for a very long time, which can give users many different ways to do the same.

It becomes very important that these types of systems are configured and adapted in the right way to suit the organization today and to avoid large costs a couple of years in the future.

As more and more companies move to the cloud, it also places new demands on us as specialists and our ability to stay abreast of trends and changes in the platform.

These days, there isn't a new version coming every three years - it can come every week.


SharePoint and Teams Training

Since many of the systems we specialize in can sometimes be perceived as complex, it becomes very important that users receive the training and support they need.

We deliver both standardized training packages and tailor-made trainings based on the specific needs of companies.

Examples of trainings we offer:

  • SharePoint for Editors
  • SharePoint for End Users
  • SharePoint for super-users
Design, UX, färg och form

Design, UX, color and shape

In order for users to feel that a system is easy to use, we need to focus on the user experience.

Partly through education but also by designing systems so that they are as self-explanatory as possible.

For us, design is not only about color and shape, but also about making systems work in a way that users can understand.


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