Experience the new Meeting Gallery in Teams — smoother and more inclusive
Microsoft Teams is transforming our digital meetings with an all-new version of the Meeting Gallery. This update is created to give you as a user a more predictable and inclusive meeting experience.
In the new gallery view, you will notice several major improvements. First, the participants' video image/avatar is displayed in 16:9 format instead of being adapted to available space, providing a more uniform visual experience. Whether the participants have their cameras turned on or off, it will be easier to follow the meeting and perceive body language and gestures when you see the whole picture and everyone gets the same amount of space on the screen.

For a more inclusive meeting environment, all participants are now displayed in the gallery by default, both those with video and those attending with only audio. Previously, audio-only participants were not given the same space as participants with video. This means that everyone gets the same space and visibility in the meeting. In addition, the video from Teams meeting rooms can be displayed in a larger format than individual participant images to give a comparable weight to participants connecting from a meeting room and often outnumbering one.

Another novelty is that your own video now appears in the gallery along with the other participants, in the same size as everyone else's, which makes you feel more involved in the meeting. But if you wish, you can customize this and have your video separately or hide it completely.
There are more things you can customize to better match your preferences, such as:
- select the maximum number of meeting participants displayed per page
- prioritize video participants over audio-only participants
These changes are meant to improve your experience and make each Teams meeting as effective and engaging as possible.